New Orphange / Pastor Training Center
Hello my friends,
We are getting ready to embark on a truly exciting time in our India ministry. Last Febuary our Lord gave us a vison to help reach even more people in India and provide a safe and secure place for orphans to be raised in a Christian atmosphere and influence. 50,000.00 dollars are where our needed resources to accomplish this. In eleven months, god has proivided 33,000.00 of these need dollars! We are getting ready to break ground, trusting God to provide the rest. I thank God for all of you who giving sacrificially in order for the Gospel to be proclaimed in India and childrens suffering to be lessoned. To date we have 17 orphans being ministered too, and 53 pastors enrolled in our Pastor Training and education program. We graduated 27 Pastors last year!
If you would like to help, please send your tax deductible gift to Zion Baptist Church 953 Parksville Road, Benton Tennessee 37307.