The Cure For Conflict
While everyone has a desire to get along with everyone else, life happens! We find ourselves in conflict, at home, the office, or even chuch. How does conflict happen? What is the root cause? How...
Read MoreThe Significance Of Salt
It seems in our society today that personal character is relevant to the culture or to our own definition. But we as Christians ar enot foolish enough to follow the designs of popular culture, we...
Read MoreSanctity Of Life
Thank you for joining us today as we learn from the scriptures about one of the most contronversal topics of our day....Life! Come with us as we discover the bible is clear on our positions to take...
Read MoreThe names Of God
Do you remember when you got married? Do you remeber how in love and totally impressed you where with your spouse to be? Do you remember how you thought you knew everything about them? But now...
Read MoreUsing Our Gifts
Christmas is over, but the joy of Christmas, and giving those special people in our lives gifts, remains with us. Especially watching our children or grandchildren open their gifts and immediately...
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